I’ve been aware of the Bay Area Girl Geek Dinners for quite awhile, and I’ve always had the best of intentions for actually attending one. But I’d never quite managed to actually make it to one, which is embarrassing to admit, given how many opportunities there have been. I finally attended one when VMware hosted dinner #30 last week. I knew all of the speakers, and it was on campus so I couldn’t make any excuses about it being too far away or me not leaving early enough.
I’m so upset with myself that I waited this long. It was an amazing networking opportunity, to chat with women of all ages, working in all aspects of computing. I got to meet other women in user experience, I got to meet other women interested in programming languages, I got to meet other women at other major companies. It was awesome. I had so many great conversations, and met so many people who I’ve been in email and twitter contact with since. It was great.
Sadly, I can’t go to dinner #31 tonight (I’ve already got plans), but I’ve got my fingers crossed for the next one.