Want an alternative to the vSphere 5.1+ web client? Check out virtuallyGhetto’s writeup of ESXi Simple Web, and go download it and share your thoughts.
when research results go rogue
When I interview candidates for user research roles, one of the questions that I am always looking to answer is how the candidate has ensured that their research results were acted upon. For researchers who work inside a company, I want them to have ownership of their research results and recommendations based on the research. I don’t want them to just throw the report over the wall and hope that someone on the other side of the wall will do something. I want them to own those results, to work with teams to ensure that they understand the results and the recommendations, to help brainstorm ideas if the recommendations can’t be contained in this release. It doesn’t help anyone if a researcher conducts fantastic research if the product doesn’t become better as a result of that research. The best research is the research that impacts the product.
I recently had a conversation with another researcher who was frustrated. He had done some great research, and had shared the results and recommendations with the team, and had been working with the team to ensure that they understood everything and would be able to take action on them, and was even tracking bugs o ensure that things were getting into the product. He was doing everything right. And then he finds out about a meeting after it was already 90% done, in which someone else was talking about the area that he had researched. The presenter was sharing the researcher’s results and recommendations, and was discussing next steps. The research results had gone rogue: they weren’t accompanied by the researcher who had a deep understanding of them, and they were being used by someone else who mostly (but didn’t completely) understand them for a different purpose and with a different audience than originally intended.
The researcher was upset: he had put a lot of work into creating, conducting, and disseminating that research. It barely got acknowledged that the user insights that the presenter discussed were insights from the researcher, let alone that some of the slides were actually taken from the researcher’s presentation. The researcher felt like his work wasn’t being acknowledged, and that he was being cut out of discussions about this area where he could continue to contribute.
His feeling was valid. He should have been acknowledged for the work that he had done, and how his work was forming the basis for what the presenter was discussing as future work to be done. His frustration is completely understandable. The presenter should have contacted him to ask permission to re-use his slides, as well as get him involved so that he could help address follow-up questions about his work.
I reminded him that there was something really positive in all of this. He had done all of the right things. He had done them so well that his research is now just part of that team’s DNA. It’s part of what they use to make decisions, and now it’s an important part of what they’re using to go forward. This is one of the best possible outcomes for user research: not only does the team understand it and are taking action on it, it has a continuing impact as they think about what they should do next. We talked about strategies to get him involved with the ongoing conversation so that he can contribute other things that he learned in conducting that research, as well as help with additional research as they move forward.
Research results can go rogue. This can be good, this can be bad. It’s frustrating either way, but I’m so glad that these rogue results are being used for good, and that there are ways that it can be managed to help rope them back in and grow those research results into an even better understanding of our users, their needs, and the challenges that they face. He did a great job with the research, so good that his research is something that the team has forgotten was something that they didn’t know and couldn’t make headway on until he did that work. We often talk about how a good UI should fade into the background. Maybe that’s true for good research as well: it’s so good, and the results and recommendations are so much a part of what we do and so important to our understanding of our product and our user, that we forget that research happened at all.
Kathy Sierra on presentation skills: “I am just a UI”
Kathy Sierra nails it again in her latest blog post “Presentation Skills Considered Harmful”. She makes the most awesome point that focusing too much on your presentation skills, and not about why your audience wants to see your presentation, means that you’re focusing on the wrong thing. Focus on your audience and what they will take away.
It’s hard to pick out one quote, so I’ll go with this paragraph:
When you design for a user experience, you quit focusing on your skills and start focusing on their skills. What experience can you help them have? Can you give them a more powerful perspective? Can you give them a new idea with immediate implementation steps they can’t wait to work on? Can you give them a clear way to finally explain something to others that they’ve been feeling but could not articulate? Can you give them a new tip or trick that has such a high-payoff it feels like a superpower? Can you give them knowledge and insight into a tough topic, so they can have more interesting, high-resolution conversations in the hallway?
You might need to improve your presentation skills or style so that your audience can focus on the important message of the presentation. She puts it this way: “I am a UI. Nothing more. And what’s a key attribute of a good UI? It disappears.”
vCenter Operations Manager users needed
I’m conducting a usability study for vCenter Operations Manager (vCOps) next week, and I’m looking for users of that application to participate. I’m interested in people who use vCOps frequently to manage and monitor their vSphere environment, and I would prefer people who are running it in a production environment and aren’t just testing it out. If this is you, please fill out this questionnaire to tell me more about how you use vCOps and what your environment is like.
Feel free to send this to anyone you know who uses vCOps. If you have any questions, feel free to either email me or add a comment here.
Storylines and pair programming
A few months ago, I was approached to give a talk at Storylines. I agreed, and we finally managed to get our schedules lined up so that I could give my talk last night. I’ve been working on it for a few weeks leading up to it, trying to figure out what I can share that would be useful and meaningful to someone else.
As I was working on it, I was thinking about how I first got into computers in the first place. When I was a kid, my dad was an enthusiast, and he got a Timex-Sinclair 1000. He and I learned BASIC on it together, transcribing BASIC programs printed in computer enthusiast magazines into it, and then fixing the inevitable bugs (some typos, some transcription errors, some errors in the code as printed in the magazine). Later on, he got a Radio Shack Model 100, and we upgraded from transcribing BASIC programs from magazines to transcribing BASIC programs from books.
Thinking back on learning BASIC with my dad, I realized that we were doing pair programming long before it became a thing. We were way ahead of the curve!
I love easter eggs
I love easter eggs. They’re a great user experience if done right. They make people feel more connected to your product because they know one of its secrets. Easter eggs remind people that there are real people behind what they’re using. They let the team show some personality and a sense of humor.
Last year, someone discovered that we’ve shipped a game of Pong. Last week, someone else discovered that there’s more to Pong than meets the eye.
I’ll leave it as an exercise for the reader to discover other easter eggs …
Sept 20, 1954: first FORTRAN program runs
This is hard to wrap my head around: 59 years ago, the first FORTRAN program ran.
Systers meet-up on Sept 18 at 7pm
I nearly forgot! I’m hosting a meetup for women in tech in conjunction with Systers and the Anita Borg Institute at VMware’s headquarters on Wednesday, September 18, at 7pm. We’ll be discussing how to get the most out of the upcoming Grace Hopper Celebration of Women in Computing.
If you’re a local woman in tech but aren’t attending GHC, feel free to come anyway — most of what we’ll talk about will be applicable to other conferences. This is a great opportunity to meet other local women in tech, learn about GHC as well as other conferences, and have some great conversations.
RSVP here, or email me if you’re having trouble RSVPing on that page.
multitasking impacts both your productivity and mine
There’s already plenty of research out there that says that multi-tasking is a myth, that you’re just context-switching and not actually getting any of your individual tasks done any faster. New research suggests that it’s actually worse than that: not only does your multi-tasking keep you from getting your stuff done any faster, but it also impedes others from paying attention.
Let’s look at this the context of Anil Dash’s recent strawman-filled diatribe against those who wish people would turn off their mobile devices when they’re at the cinema, in which he says the following:
I hear the arguments the fussy film people are making. They’re all super, uniquely sensitive to light pollution, and the brightness of the screen is incredibly distracting to viewing the screen.
It’s not just people who are “fussy” or who are “super, uniquely sensitive to light pollution”. It’s distracting, and (as the author of the study I referenced above puts it) disrespectful to your fellow audience members.
I’ve been trying to leave my laptop back in my office when I’m in meetings, unless I’m actively taking notes with the laptop (since I type faster than I write). This gives me even more reason to do it.
things I learned today: the origins of the tree swing cartoon
I don’t know about you, but I’ve seen the tree swing cartoon a million times. It’s a great cartoon that illustrates the difference between what the user wants and how it’s interpreted by various groups in engineering. I’d never seen it attributed to anyone, and as I learned today, its origins have now been lost. There’s lots of variations of it, too. That article is an interesting one about the history and variations that the author has been able to track down.